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Online ThetaHealing Seminars
& Practice Groups

ThetaHealing Seminars

Learn ThetaHealing so you can help yourself and others through this far reaching modality.

​ThetaHealing is a gentle but very effective way to make deep and lasting positive changes in any or all realms of your life. It is also a way to develop your intuitive abilities, upgrade limiting beliefs, clear negative energies, cultivate a closer relationship with God (Source, Creator, or however you understand it), and much more.  

ThetaHealing is effective for changing patterns of thinking, feeling, and doing, whether th
ey originated in your lifetime, were inherited or ancestral, or even picked up from the collective consciousness or past lives.


Some people take my trainings in ThetaHealing for their own personal growth and so that they can give themselves or their loved ones transformational sessions.   Others want to begin a ThetaHealing practice and serve clients.


Scroll down for seminar descriptions.


If you are interested or have questions, please be in touch through my contact form below.

ThetaHealing Practice Groups
and Private Coaching

A supportive space to learn and grow your skills 

If you are a certified ThetaHealer,  you are invited to join me in an online practice group or have your own private coaching session.  The group will be limited to 4 people to maximize personal interaction.  I will provide coaching and answer your questions about ThetaHealing.  You will have the opportunity to practice giving others or yourself a session with my support.


Sessions are approximately 2 hours long.

Investment:  $50 to attend a group session, $200 for a private session


Fill out the contact form below to let me know you're interested. 

I look forward to meeting you!


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Contact Me

Do you want to learn more about what I do, or see if we are a good match for working together?


Are you interested in private sessions or one of my classes or programs?


I look forward to connecting!

Thanks for contacting me! I will be in touch within 48 business hours.

Patrice Spitz, C.S.C.

Personal Development Facilitator and Change Agent

Intentional Creativity Method® Life Coach

ThetaHealing® Practitioner & Instructor

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