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Living  your Authentic Life:


a Women's

Guided Meditation and Intuitive Creativity Retreat!

Discover what your authentic self really wants

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May 25-31, 2025
on the beautiful island of Naxos, Greece

Be uplifted and empowered as we tune into what your authentic self needs

Connect to unconditional love and infinite intelligence through simple but powerful guided meditations


Access your inner wisdom and deep insights through creative explorations with art supplies and journaling (no skills necessary)


​Ground and embody your changes through expressive movement​​


Share and celebrate each other in a supportive space


Receive messages from the land and ancient sacred sites on our excursions:


~A private tour to traditional mountain villages and the ancient Temple of Demeter 


~An excursion to a remote beach to connect with the land and native cedars


~An excursion to the ancient Portara (Temple of Apollo) and Venetian castle, with time for shopping in the medieval town.


We will also enjoy:


~Plenty of time to relax and integrate all the growth you will receive

     (enjoy the beach, walk, nap, read, or just be)

~Locally sourced, delicious, authentic Greek food

~Delicious restaurants within walking distance for dinners



Image by David Kaloczi
Image by David Kaloczi

May 25-31, 2025


Only 6 spots


-Lodging in a luxurious and comfortable private villa with sea views


-2 minute walk to the beach


-Daily breakfast, 3 lunches, and snacks catered to your dietary needs


-3 excursions


$4000 private room and bath

$3700 shared room and bath

  • A registration requires a deposit of 20% of the total price.

  • The deposit is non-refundable if the booking is cancelled.

  • The rest of the payment is due by March 10th.

Are you feeling called to join us? 
Let me know and I will be in touch!

I look forward to being in touch with you!  I will reach out within 48 business hours.

Anchor 2

Daily activities

All activities are optional.  You are free to participate as much or as little as you want.

Non-excursion day:

8:15 - 9:15 Breakfast Spread

A spread of delicious local foods, catered to your dietary needs, which may include yogurts, fruits, eggs, cheeses, breads, honey, and more.

9:30 - 11:30 Morning Circle

Guided Meditation with energetic downloads

Guided Creative Explorations with art supplies (no skills necessary)



11:30- 2:30 Free time

Go to the beach (2 minute walk), nap, read by the pool, or whatever you wish.

2:30 - 6:30 Afternoon Circle

Guided Meditation with energetic downloads

More extensive Guided Creative Explorations with art supplies (no skills necessary)


Expressive movement (no skills necessary)


Dinner at our choice of local restaurants!

Excursion days (3):

Same schedule except Morning Circle and part of Free Time will be replaced by an excursion

~A private half day tour to traditional mountain villages and the ancient Temple of Demeter 


~A private excursion to a remote beach to connect with the land and native cedars


~A private excursion to the ancient Portara (Temple of Apollo) and Venetian castle, with time for shopping in the medieval town.

Is this retreat calling you?  Let me know and I will be in touch!

I look forward to being in touch with you!  I will reach out within 48 business hours.

More about me and the retreat

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I believe we are each here to make the best life for ourselves by getting out of our old stories, getting in touch with what we really need and want, and moving steadily towards it.  I have been doing just this in my own life, using tools that I will share with you on this retreat.


About 30 years ago, I was introduced to intuitive creativity and it opened up a whole new world for me- one in which I could move through my feelings to a place of calm and joy as well as mine my depths for insights about my life and how to best move forward.  All while enjoying the luscious colors and textures of art supplies!  My clients have likewise benefited from intuitive creativity by gaining valuable insights, moving through stressful, challenging times, and making changes with more ease and clarity.   


The creative expression we will engage in is centered around the process, not the outcome.   It is about self-exploration and learning what we want and how we each can uniquely move towards that.  I will be prompting you  with guided exercises in which you will have complete freedom to create as you wish, being led by your inner self.  Everyone can do this, regardless of  level of skill or experience with art supplies!


I will also be leading you in profound meditations to connect to universal energy (infinite intelligence, unconditional love, your higher self, God, or however you understand it).  These will provide us with a higher level of guidance, refreshment, and peace.  These meditations are another integral part of what has helped me and my clients grow and advance as much as we have.


In addition, we will enhance our process with simple expressive movement, which does not require any experience or ability.


I chose Naxos as our location for several reasons.  For one, the energy here is peaceful, calming, and healing.  As Greece is the birthplace of democracy, I also sense a tone of equality here: we all matter and what we each want matters.  This is underlying our reason for exploring what our authentic selves really want.


In addition, Naxos has all the elements of a perfect Greek island - some of the most beautiful beaches in Greece, traditional mountain villages, ancient sacred sites, and of course, fantastic Greek food!  


Join me for this opportunity to have fun, learn, grow, and connect to other soul-driven women in a beautiful part of the world!

Image by David Kaloczi
Anchor 1

This retreat will be limited to 6 women to create an intimate, supportive container

If this experience is calling you,

fill out the contact form below and I will be in touch.


I would love to hear from you!

Contact Me

Do you want to learn more about what I do, or see if we are a good match for working together?


Are you interested in private sessions or one of my classes or programs?


I look forward to connecting!

Thanks for contacting me! I will be in touch within 48 business hours.

Patrice Spitz, C.S.C.

Personal Development Facilitator and Change Agent

Intentional Creativity Method® Life Coach

ThetaHealing® Practitioner & Instructor

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