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The Crystal Cave: Harnessing the Power of Our Imaginations for Inner Peace

Updated: Feb 22

Amethyst crystals

A few months ago, I woke up startled and upset from an unpleasant dream. In the past, it had sometimes been difficult to shake off a dream like that. This time, I felt immediately guided to imagine myself in a crystal cave of healing. I had never done that before, but it sounded lovely!

I expectantly visualized a cave lined with amethyst crystals, each glistening and emanating a healing vibration. It was so beautiful and calming. After a while, I felt complete with this experience, and was left peaceful, inspired, and ready to start my day.

I believe that every aspect of creation has its own energy and many forms of creation can be healing. Some examples are certain minerals, crystals, plants, trees, the earth, animals, music, angels, and more. What is really astounding is how even just imagining these things can be healing. Our imaginative faculties are extremely powerful!

What can you connect with in your imagination that would be helpful for you? Adding more than one sense makes it even more powerful, such as imagining what something looks like, feels like, and smells like.

I used to be a hypnotherapist who specialized in “Hypnobirthing”, a way to help pregnant couples prepare for and give birth using hypnosis and self-hypnosis. After giving birth, the moms would report that using these methods, which included visualizing and believing in their desired result (a peaceful and uncomplicated labor) helped them to stay calm and often, avoid the use of pharmaceuticals. It was amazing!

One of these clients imagined angel Gabriel (which means “strength of God”) by her side during the delivery, and it brought her much comfort. In essence, she connected the effects of a lowered brain wave (from self-hypnosis) with imagination (of a peaceful labor), and a spiritual connection (angel Gabriel). These are magic ingredients! When we combine these things, we are using visualization or imagination to its utmost potential to help us.

I use these same ingredients today to help people through coaching and ThetaHealing. For example, to bring calming and peace, I often help people connect with Source energy (aka God) through a guided meditation. This meditation lowers our brain waves to a Theta wave (like in deep meditation, hypnosis, or light sleep). Resting in this energy of unconditional love from Source brings us relaxation and tranquility. We can even expand to imagining a desired goal in detail and with sensations and emotion.

Are you looking for a greater sense of peace no matter what storms rage around you? One way is to use your imagination in a positive and fruitful way- taking time, perhaps even throughout the day, to focus on what is meaningful and calming to you, to bring you refreshment and peace.

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