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Ancestral Healing Workshop

Enhance your inner peace and empowerment

Autumn at the lake


Ancestral healing involves acknowledging that we inherit beliefs, feelings, and/or behavioral patterns from our ancestors, and realizing how these may be underlying some of our challenges.  Then we have the option to upgrade what we have inherited in order to find peace and live our best life.


As a bonus, these positive changes always ripple out to those around us!  


In this program, I will share what I have learned about ancestral healing, and how change is always possible.  I will guide you in uncovering inherited gifts as well as inherited limitations, and discovering your next steps to integrate your positive inheritance and to grow past what has been holding you back.

In my half day program, you will

Uncover gifts from your ancestors and gain clarity on how to best embody them in your life

Tune into your inner wisdom and Universal Energy through accessible practices

Identify inherited limitations in order to know what upgrades to make in your beliefs and ways of being

Determine your unique next steps for your positive unfolding

autumn trees.JPG

My program includes:


  • Powerful meditations to connect you to Universal energy as you understand it (Source, nature, your soul, God, Creator, the Mystery, etc.) and receive guidance and replenishment.


  • Simple intuitive drawing or doodling and journaling to access inner wisdom and revelatory insights about your ancestral inheritance (no artistic skills required!)


  • Niggunim (wordless melodies) to uplift the soul​


  • Time to reflect and share, if you want to.

More about ancestral healing

It was unfortunately common for our family and ancestors to have lived through challenging circumstances or trauma.  Because of that, they sometimes (understandably) took on limiting belief systems and unhealthy emotional or behavioral patterns.  What typically happened to us is that we inherited some of these beliefs and patterns, often without even realizing it.  Some of these beliefs and patterns might have to do with lack, fear or anxiety, unworthiness, depression, and addiction, among other challenges.  


For many years, as I focused on my personal development, there were some aspects of myself and my life that did not change, no matter what I did. I found that the missing key to making positive changes in my life was to expand the scope of my inner work to include ancestral healing.  As the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, I was familiar with ancestral trauma.  Consciously adding this aspect of healing to my personal development has made all the difference.


Identifying and upgrading limiting beliefs that I inherited from my ancestors has given me greater peace, compassion for my ancestors and myself, improved relationships with people and with my work, more joy, and a healthier sense of my self-worth.  


I am delighted to bring this work to others.

To read my essays on ancestral healing, click here and here​​ 

Join us and move forward with ancestral healing in your life
Register here
Sat. Aug. 10th
2-6pm on Zoom
$75 per person
Select an option

Thanks for registering for the Ancestral Healing Workshop!  I will be in touch within 48 business hours with the zoom link and any other details.

Photo by Juliet Spitz

"Patrice is an absolute gem. She is warm, kind, and gentle but her connection with the Divine, wisdom, and insights are anything but. She is a beautiful and powerful force of grace that has forever imprinted my heart & soul, and changed my life. It is challenging to put my boundless amount of gratitude into words." ​

-Jennifer C.,
New York

I love working with Patrice. She is intuitive and wise beyond words and has helped me to see some of my limiting and negative patterns that hold me back. Working through art and meditation as well as her guiding words has deepened my understanding of myself and what I want and need in my life. This work is keeping me focused on my path toward a more balanced life, deepening my relationships, my self esteem and finding joy. I hope to take this joy and spread it to my family and community."

-Kathleen Sands,
Lyons, CO

Interested in the Ancestral Healing Workshop
for your group?  

Please be in touch through my contact form below. 

I look forward to hearing from you.

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Do you want to learn more about what I do, or see if we are a good match for working together?


Are you interested in private sessions or one of my classes or programs?


I look forward to connecting!

Thanks for contacting me! I will be in touch within 48 business hours.

Patrice Spitz, C.S.C.

Personal Development Facilitator and Change Agent

Intentional Creativity Method® Life Coach

ThetaHealing® Practitioner & Instructor

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