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Private Sessions

Private Sessions on Zoom

National Flower

Would you like to move past challenges in different areas of your life such as relationships,

wounds from childhood or beyond, anxiety, lack of self-love, body issues, career, etc.?


I can help you to gain empowerment for your life journey, realize your goals, and grow into the full embodiment of your authentic self.  

I have great respect for everyone’s experiences, belief systems, and ways of coping. Truly, there is always a good reason for the way we move through life, for example wanting to stay safe, or trying to do what we believe is best for ourselves or others. I hold kindness, caring, compassion, and belief in you as we work together towards your goals.


During a typical session, we explore what you want to move towards and/or your concern or challenge. I offer an intuitive body scan to give us helpful information.  We will uncover and upgrade underlying limiting beliefs that are standing in your way. We can also bring peace and resolution to issues such as regrets, resentments, rejection, and unwanted behavioral patterns. There may be unconscious vows or agreements that no longer serve you.  Any of these may have been sourced in this lifetime, a past life, or may even be generational beliefs or patterns. You get to discover and keep whatever wisdom can be gleaned and begin to embody new and inspired feelings that you may have had trouble accessing before, such as joy, self-respect, self-trust, or peace. 

As part of the session, I can also lead you in a meditation that helps you reach a deep state of relaxation and the ability to tune into the wisdom and peace of Source energy. Another tool we might use is intuitive drawing, a simple exercise with pen and paper that bypasses the thinking mind. Both these techniques can help you access deep insights and guidance.


Each session is unique and is geared to your exact needs, and helps you move towards being your peaceful, happy, and full self.  I have seen amazing changes occur, such as decreased depression and anxiety, letting go of past hurts and forgiving others and oneself, more peaceful and loving relationships, increased self-esteem, positive steps forward in life and career, and more.  


Even though there can be quick results, I have found for myself and my clients that the most foundational changes occur when we are committed to steady growth in our personal development. In this way, each session can build upon the previous and have a lasting impact on how we think, feel, and move in the world, the quality of our life, and our ability to reach our goals.

I hope you will give yourself the gift of evolving and growing towards the life you really want. You deserve it!  And know that your healing is not only for you.  It always ripples out to benefit those closest to you, your community, and the whole planet.  


Be in touch through my form just below if you would like to explore working together.  


With blessings,



I offer sessions that last 1 and a half hours for $150.

Each additional half hour is $50.

Are you interested in 1:1 sessions?

Fill out this confidential form and I will be in touch with you!

Image by Jase Bloor

Image by Jase Bloor

Thank you!  I will be in touch within 48 business hours. 

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Do you want to learn more about what I do, or see if we are a good match for working together?


Are you interested in private sessions or one of my classes or programs?


I look forward to connecting!

Thanks for contacting me! I will be in touch within 48 business hours.

Patrice Spitz, C.S.C.

Personal Development Facilitator and Change Agent

Intentional Creativity Method® Life Coach

ThetaHealing® Practitioner & Instructor

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